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You'll find the latest news, reviews and awards below. Select a tag from the list below the latest awards to filter by your favourite brand.

EMT JSD Anniversary - limited edition, 80 pieces only

To celebrate the great birthday, the following two products are available as a special edition, strictly limited to 80 pieces each:

EMT TSD Anniversary - now sold out

Certainly the best TONDOSE ever made.


"It was a shocking experience to see how effortlessly Humboldt devoured his opponents."

Audionet WATT review by Positive Feedback

The New Apartment Lounge: Piercing the Electroacoustic Veil with Audionet's Paradigm-Shifting WATT Integrated Amplifier

Audionet SAM 20 SE review by Stereo

The best ever SAM - Audionet celebrates the birthday of its long-running amplifi er hit with a strictly limited special edition that takes the potential of the design to a new level.


Hi-Fi+ Award Winner 2023 rondel

RCM Audio The Big Phono - Wins Phono Stage Over £20K

You are left with what must be one of the best sounds you’ll ever hear from vinyl. Everything you want from your music is here.

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Hi-Fi+ Award 2023 Winner - phono stage

RCM Audio theRIAA MkII - Hi-Fi+ Phono Stage of the Year 2023

It can get past the artifice of audio and bring you closer to the music itself. And that is the goal of all good audio equipment, after all.

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HiFi+ Award Winner 2021 rondel

EMT JSD Pure Black (with STX-5/1- step-up transformer) - Cartridge of the Year

It reminds you why so many feel LP remains a better source of ‘high-res’ than high-resolution digital audio.

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