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News & Reviews

You'll find the latest news, reviews and awards below. Select a tag from the list below the latest awards to filter by your favourite brand.

Ypsilon Aelius II Review by Stereophile

"...compared to the darTZeels', the Ypsilons' images were somewhat more gracefully rounded, more three-dimensional, and texturally more supple."

Ypsilon VPS-100 Phono Review by Positive Feedback

"As a total package, the Ypsilon VPS 100 Phono Stage offers the finest, most satisfying, analog playback I've heard to date."

Ypsilon CDT-100 Review by Audio Esoterica

The CDT-100 pulls the low-level micro-detail and resolves information from the CD in a way that sounds thoroughly natural...

Ypsilon HYPERION power amplifier by parttimeaudiophile.com

"...the Hyperion mono power amps — and they sound gorgeous... authoritative on low registers, yet still remained delicate and tactile on mid- and high-frequencies."

Ypsilon PST-100 MKii Review by Stereophile

"So there you have it: The pair from Ypsilon are one of the three or four best digital playback systems I have ever heard, and I bet for many of you it will be the best."

Ypsilon DAC-100 Review by Dagogo

"So there you have it: The pair from Ypsilon are one of the three or four best digital playback systems I have ever heard, and I bet for many of you it will be the best."


Hi-Fi+ Highly Commended Award 2023 rondel

Vinius Audio TVC-05 Special Edition - Highly Commended Preamp

It does precisely what a good preamplifier should do; take the sound of a source and give it the right volume level.

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Best Product 2022 | High Fidelity

Vinius TVC-05 Best Product 2022 - High Fidelity Magazine

The device sounds like a high-end tube preamp, but with better resolution and dynamics than most of its counterparts.

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HiFi+ Award Winner 2021 rondel

EMT JSD Pure Black (with STX-5/1- step-up transformer) - Cartridge of the Year

It reminds you why so many feel LP remains a better source of ‘high-res’ than high-resolution digital audio.

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